The West Wants Netanyahu Gone

The West Wants Netanyahu Gone
The West Wants Netanyahu Gone

Benjamin Netanyahu, The Atlantic called him the worst prime minister in Israel’s history, is under siege by western allies. The same ones who opened their checkbooks and their conveyor belts of weapons in support of his unrealistic mission of annihilating Hamas. That was six months ago. Today, the West wants Netanyahu gone after he went rogue by attacking the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, unprovoked, and by intentionally killing 7 WCK aid workers to starve the Palestinians to extinction.

The real intentions behind attacking the Consulate is to start a war between the United States and Iran that only Israel benefits from. It’s the same sheet of music the Zionists applied in the Iraq War to drag America into a confrontation with Iran, which, we might add, defeated the U.S.

Netanyahu would like for the United States to start a war with Iran, which is why he attacked the Consulate. That was a lethal mistake on his part because the Democrats in power are less inclined to start American wars than Republicans do. Finally, Joe Biden is awake.

The whole world hates Israel, and the U.S. is coming second because of Biden blind support for a government killing and starving innocent women and children.


When Nancy Pelosi, a staunch ally of Israel, along with 40 other Democrats, write Joe Biden to ask him to halt sending weapons to Israel, it’s time for Netanyahu to pack his things and leave. Otherwise, someone is going to kill him soon.

The tide is turning in Gaza. Neither the U.S. nor Europe believe Israel can defeat Hamas. In fact, because of Israel’s terror, Hamas popularity has shot through the roof.

Furthermore, the optics of watching children starve to death has made it much worse for the West to back Netanyahu. In addition to the limelight that the deliberate murder of the seven brave WCK aid workers generated worldwide in terms of bad publicity.

For the U.S. and Europe, Israel’s savagery and brutality under the Netanyahu’s regime can no longer be ignored. The whole world hates Israel, and the U.S. is coming second because of Biden blind support for a government killing and starving innocent women and children.

After Netanyahu resigns or someone kills him, comes the eradication of Zionism.


We expect that if Netanyahu does not resign soon, the pressure would mount to include halting all weapon deliveries to the Netanyahu government, something the Pelosi letter signaled to Israel loudly and clearly.

Israel will never be the same after Gaza. This society pf psychotic killers and unfit extreme leaders cannot possibly survive after the world witnessed its apartheid against the Palestinian people. Coming down the pike are more boycotts, more scrutiny, more pressure to make peace with the Palestinians, and more realism that Zionism is a failed experiment.

In today’s connected world, Zionism cannot survive. Israel covered it up well until Gaza. Now, the genie is out and there is no way the world is going to forget soon the images and videos showing the barbarity of Israel.

After Netanyahu resigns or someone kills him, comes the eradication of Zionism. The world must come together to exterminate this sickening disease and its ideology of death and destruction.

Otherwise, prepare for Gaza 2.0 starting today.

The West Wants Netanyahu Gone

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