The World Keeps Calling For a Ceasefire

The World Keeps Calling For a Ceasefire
The World Keeps Calling For a Ceasefire

The world keeps calling for a ceasefire and a truce, and Joe Biden keeps sending Israel more weapons on a daily basis without any concerns for civilian life. Our President has become part and parcel of the genocide in Gaza. His stubbornness is dispatching American weapons to kill women and children in Gaza is no different from Putin firing missiles at Ukrainian women and children. How is that possible for the country that claims freedom and human rights to be its calling?

Fools are those who believe that Israel is going to prevail in the long-term, even when the United States protects its violent and extremist leadership to kill with total abandon. Fools are those who think Israel is not going to pay a very dear price for its terror one day. These momentous and unjust historical events usually follow countries until the end of times.

Ok, we destroyed Hamas and its terror. But who is going to destroy the terror of the Israeli government? Biden is siding with Netanyahu. He has become a full accomplice in murdering the women and children of Gaza. No way, he will win another four years in office. There are just too many Americans who oppose what he is doing, and not just the Arab-American communities essential in swing States.

Are they that heartless, or is it that most lawmakers are positioning themselves to ask wealthy Jewish donors for money?


Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted on November 18 the following:

Nicely said, but where are the calls for a ceasefire now? Sanders is trying to send a signal to Israelis to vote for another prime minister, but only after that terrorist has killed tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. Utterly unacceptable. We need to stop Netanyahu and his gang of criminals today.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, on the other hand, tweeted a more sensible position more in line with what the world is asking for.

That’s 24 representative out of 435. About 6% after the mass murder of some 12,000 Gazans, most of whom are women and children. Are they that heartless, or is it that most lawmakers are positioning themselves to ask wealthy Jewish donors for money?

No, Mr. President, we do not want to hear you apologize on your deathbed for unleashing the terror of Netanyahu on women and children.


Imagine for a moment what Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government is doing, and then think back to Assad of Syria about what he did to women and children too. Both Netanyahu and Assad are of the same ilk. They are both terrorists who need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Assad bombed innocent civilians without any regard for their lives, so is Netanyahu today. Assad did not hesitate to bomb hospitals and schools, so does Netanyahu. Furthermore, Assad did it out of revenge because Syrians stood up to his rule, Netanyahu is doing it out of revenge because Hamas made him look weak and out of control.

Furthermore, Russia backed Assad by killing directly innocent civilians, and there are rumors circulating that the U.S. fleet stationed in the Mediterranean is participating in bombing Gaza. Even if untrue, delivering so many weapons unconditionally is tantamount to Biden dropping the bombs directly.

Biden is committing a colossal mistake. Ask the Senators who knew him, and they will tell you he does not have the best of judgments. Well, this must be his biggest lapse yet.

No, Mr. President, we do not want to hear you apologize on your deathbed for unleashing the terror of Netanyahu on women and children. We want you to stop him now for the sake of your own humanity.

Biden, your decrepitude shows clearly. Where is that guy Dean Philips?

The World Keeps Calling For a Ceasefire

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