The World Knew Who Putin Was. Why the Surprise Over Ukraine?

The World Knew Who Putin Was
The World Knew Who Putin Was. Grosny 1999.

With his long history of invading and bombing civilians, the world knew who Putin was, and today’s actions against him are a day late and a dime short.

In 1999, Vladimir Putin, under false pretenses, leveled the city of Grozny killing countless number of civilians. By leveling, I mean there was not one structure in the whole city that remained standing. Putin repeated in 2008 by invading Georgia and bombing Gori into submission. Again, killing civilians indiscriminately. In 2014, he invaded the Ukraine southern tip and annexed the Crimea. That was his test run to see how the West would respond. A Year later, to the surprise of only one man named Barack Obama, he entered Syria and bombed all of its hospitals and schools in regions defending against the brutish rule of the Assad regime.

The world did not stop him while he waged three brutal wars before invading all of Ukraine, and now we are paying the price for that mistake. No one more than Barack Obama paved the way for today’s Ukraine invasion because the former president had no experience dealing with horrible dictators. They, literally, walked all over him. Even the little inconsequential Assad of Syria showed the world how weak Barack Obama was. Remember Obama’s red line?

Folks, the same people who lost the Crimea are losing all of Ukraine today. The same temperament, the same mentality, and the same fears.


How short is our memory, and Joe Biden knows it. Did you know that US troops in Syria attacked and killed 300 Russian mercenaries in 2018? Did that prompt a World War III? Or, did Russia fire its nuclear missiles? So, what’s the hell all this World War III talk all about by the US and Europe?

The reality is that neither is willing to confront Putin. That’s the honest truth. It’s the same 1938 appeasement scenario playing again. To avoid that responsibility, they throw World War III on the fire hoping it cracks the kind of fear to muzzle the public. After all, 74% of Americans support a no-fly-zone to help Ukraine, but our leaders today are unwilling participants in any scenario that would showcase any courage on their part.

Why would confronting Russia in the air be different than confronting them in Syria? We killed over 300 of their mercenaries, and Putin did not utter one sound. No threats and no retaliation. Why? Because he knew that those in charge back then had the Chutzpah to respond in kind.

Folks, the same people who lost the Crimea are losing all of Ukraine today. The same temperament, the same mentality, and the same fears.

In fact, Putin’s insanity serves both the US and Russian interests simultaneously.


You probably read, during the last few days, many reports about Putin’s state of mind, which labeled him as genuinely bordering on “insane”.

Who is behind this campaign? The United States, or is it Putin himself to persuade the US and Europe not to challenge his “insanity” while sitting on thousands of nuclear weapons?

Is it a Russian misinformation campaign, or is it the truth that democracies can take advantage of to explain to their people why they are not defending the Ukraine with more lethal weapons and even a No-Fly-Zone? Such would prevent the public pressure on President Biden to do more on the Ukraine, does it not?

Whether Putin is behind this campaign or our won CIA, and it could be either or both, it is working like a charm. Many articles, pundits, and even politicians are repeating it over and over.

Furthermore, the insanity of Putin, in light of his aggression against the Ukraine and his unhinged speech of February 21, serves him domestically as well. It sends a clear message to his people. One that proclaims “don’t protest my war because my insanity has Stalinist tendencies”.

In fact, Putin’s insanity serves both the US and Russian interests simultaneously.

The World Knew Who Putin Was. Why the Surprise Over Ukraine?

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