Time to Assassinate the Leadership of Iranian Proxies

Time to Assassinate the Leadership of Iranian Proxies

The Thuggery of Hezbollah is Pure Evil
The Message Hezbollah Supporters in Lebanon Refuse to Grasp
Memo to Suleimani: Syria is Not Iraq

After the US struck his base of terror, Jamal Jaafar Ibrahimi, known by his nom de guerre Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, said late on Sunday “The blood of the martyrs will not be in vain and our response will be very tough on the American forces in Iraq. Honestly, it is time to assassinate the leadership of Iranian proxies.

Between Jamal Ibrahim leading Hezbollah in Iraq and Hassan Nasrallah leading Hezbollah in Lebanon, the U.S. cannot afford anymore to give Iran the time to continue building its networks of terror. The world would thank us for dispatching those two barbarians to meet their 72 virgins.


Did you also know that Iran has planted the seeds of a Hezbollah in Syria that it calls The Sayyeda Zaynab Special Forces? Right under Assad nose? A strategy to compensate for the day Assad himself finds himself facing a rope or a bullet.

Of course, it keeps a low profile and the name ‘Hezbollah’ is off its label for now. Otherwise it might demonstrate Assad’s own paralysis and impotency in the face of the Iranian terror play.

Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi writes on his Blog:

The Special Force is currently part of the Iranian-backed Local Defence Forces (LDF) network … the group does not claim to have a direct relationship with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Instead, the Special Force characterizes itself as a part of Hezbollah, and has received training, arming and financial support from Hezbollah.

Hezbollah in Syria is the seed Iran planted to grow its own proxy offspring, and it is time to prune that poisonous shrub. It is time to assassinate the leadership of Iranian proxies in the Levant and Mesopotamia. Giving Iran the time and the space to grow its tentacles of terror in the region borders on stupidity. Their replacements would have to be totally dumb to venture outside the fence we build for them. But first, we must prune the shrub and then build the fence around it to limit its capacity to harm others.

Just as we are building a global financial fence around Iran.


Iranian designs for the Arab lands and peoples it is occupying are too sinister not to concoct the pruning strategy. One must choose between international law and international order by rationalizing that the order determines the means to achieve law and peace. Not the other way around. Iranian violence is establishing orders that would not bat an eye to suppress the international laws we respect obsessively.

That works to our demise because of inherent weaknesses in our democratic system of government. Iran knows it too well.

Since Hezbollah inception in Lebanon in 1982, Iran has had the time (38 years) to adapt its formula to the challenges it faces on the ground. Think about how much time is 38 years. Any wonder why Israel’s top priority is survival as it watches in slow motion an Iranian Blitzkrieg strategy taking shape?

In the meantime, the United States supervises, argues, then shrugs off the Hezbollah threat. It shrugged it in 1983 when Hezbollah terrorists attacked the U.S. Marines in Lebanon that caused the death of 241 of our troops. And to a certain extent, barring this latest attack, the U.S. is still shrugging Hezbollah’s terror.

We must go on the offensive. The United States must cut off the heads of the snake lying in waiting in Tehran.

Time to Assassinate the Leadership of Iranian Proxies


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