To France: We Are So Sorry We Elected Barack Obama

To France: We Are So Sorry We Elected Barack Obama

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Never Forget that Assad forged ISIS to deceive the world who his alternative were, and that Barack Obama allowed the Islamic State to form, under his watch, by ignoring all his critics. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

Never forget that Assad allowed ISIS to occupy Syria’s oil fields, and then purchased oil from the terror group to bolster its footprint and power.

Never forget that when confronted with the danger of ISIS, Obama called these terrorists the JV (Junior Varsity) team of terror in comparison to other terror groups. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

Never forget that when pressed to confront ISIS, Obama’s commitments were half-planned, half-cooked, and half-carried out. Our president was never concerned about ISIS enough to commit the full powers of the United States to eradicate its terror. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

Never forget that the EU, the Arab countries, and even the GOP pressed Barack Obama to establish a No-Fly-Zone to protect the Sunni civilians from the Assad atrocities, which he, again, ignored. Sunni terror in France today is the indirect result of Obama appearing to side with Shiite terror against Sunni civilians. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

Never forget that Barack Obama mostly ignored his critics on setting the right policies in the Middle East because he was after signing an Iran Deal to bolster his legacy, not to protect the interests of the United States of America. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

Never forget that, under this isolationist president, Islamic Sunni and Shiite terror has exploded and Sunni terror is now bleeding into Europe. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

Never forget next time to vote for a U.S. President who is capable of shouldering his/her responsibilities instead of being conned by a man with a silver tongue and an ignorant mind. France, we are so sorry we elected Barack Obama.

TFS stands by the people of France and mourns the tragedy that befell its people.

We are so sorry we gave you Barack Obama. 

To France: We Are So Sorry We Elected Barack Obama


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