To Whom Belongs the American Dream?

To Whom Belongs the American Dream

Research in income disparity shows that 96.1 percent of the 1.2 million households in the top one percent are Caucasians. Yet, as of July 1, 2019, Caucasians represented 76.3% of the population in the U.S. Only 3.9% of America’s minorities (non-whites) enjoy the fruit of their labor even though they represent 24% of the overall demographics. This means 90% of minorities will never see, smell, taste, or experience the American Dream. To answer the question to whom belongs the American Dream, one must also understand who controls the concept.

By 2046, Brookings Institution tells us that Caucasians in the U.S. will become a minority. This explains the panic in the GOP circles coming up with ideas to delay the inevitable. Like “Building a wall” and voter suppression measures to violate so many laws on the books. Yes, one can argue it is about race, but ultimately it is truly about wealth control and economic disparity. The American Dream belongs to everyone, supposedly, but data shows that only one group truly benefits from it.

How could that be fair and equitable?

Mind you, the 2016 Census defined “White” as inclusive of Middle Easterners and North Africans, which inheritably not only blurs the real data when it comes to two ethnic groups in America, but also blurs the total control Caucasians enjoy when one questions any percentile in any data stream.

The American Dream belongs to the white race in America, and only the white race. and although they try to sell it to everyone, they cannot hide to whom it truly belongs to,


In other words, it is economic Apartheid made to look like it is not. Taking place as the American Dream is slowly peeling its outer layers for a microscopic unpleasant view. Nothing clearer explains this economic Apartheid than minimum wage control. When some States decided that a minimum wage of $15 will help commoners have access to improved living, many Republicans objected. Such would be a burden on businesses already losing to foreign job exports, they argued.

However, when one looks at data related to the CEO’s of the largest conglomerates, their argument drops dead. The Economic Policy Institute conducted a study, which showed that since 1978, salaries of CEO’s soared by 1,070%. In 1978, minimum wage was $2.65 an hour. If we are to apply the 1,000% rise corporate CEO’s applied generously to their pay, today’s minimum wage should hover around $27 an hour. Yet, it is still $7.25 an hour.

To whom belongs the American Dream? To the top 1%, or maybe 5%. Definitely not to those we try to sell the American Dream to by hammering a message of hope that yields to the very few.

The American Dream belongs to the white race in America, and only the white race. and although they try to sell it to everyone, they cannot hide to whom it truly belongs to,

To Whom Belongs The American Dream?

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