Transformational Legislation or Bipartisanship to Block Reforms?

Transformational Legislation or Bipartisanship to Halt All Reforms

Anyone who refuses to see the immense problems facing this nation and which require bold action are just fools. From reforms to our election laws, to immigration reforms, to cancelling student debt robbing American children of their future, to infrastructure that makes us rank alongside third-world countries, to SCOTUS calling corporations people, to tax reforms for the rich to pay their fair share of taxes, to a broken health industry, to shameful corruption. I could literally go on for 100 pages describing some of the ills this country suffers from. But who is really doing well? Corporate America and the billionaires. At the expense of the rest of the country. At this juncture of our history, does America need transformational legislation or bipartisanship to block reforms?

Shall we continue on the same path that led us to this troubled presence, or should we reverse all the policies that have created all the ills our society is suffering from? This is really an existential question we must ask at this point in our history.

Even JP Morgan is realizing that the American dream is fraying. In an interview CNN conducted with its CEO Jamie Dimon, he admitted as much. Folks, when JP Morgan says that, you better believe that America is heading in the wrong direction.

There is no time for bipartisanship. Our country is sick and it is burning on the inside. The insurrection was a gauge of its high temperature.


People like Senator Joe Manchin, who are calling for bipartisanship, represent the reason why this country is in deep trouble. Bipartisanship is not transformative. Manchin and the GOP want the status quo sucking the life out of our middle class to help get their patrons and funders become richer at the expense of the struggling people in this country. This is what defines Joe Manchin as a politician. A sickening tour-de-force like no other.

Because we have people like Mitch McConnell blocking the Senate, no meaningful transformative legislation would ever pass if he had his way. Unless it destroys further the fabric of this nation by taking a bite out of the middle class to enrich even more corporate America and the billionaires. The man has proven many times over that he is incapable of understanding the big issues facing this country. If anything, his almost six years as majority leader in the Senate led us to the Insurrection because he sat on 395 legislations never bringing them to the floor. Not even for a vote. Why do you think the American public is so angry with our government?

And for Manchin to double down on a process he knows well will not help the President fix the many problems before us, he has demonstrated he is either a clueless fool, or he is the real danger to our republic. Just like Mitch McConnell has been.

Prior to Ronald Reagan, the middle class in America was a thriving and economically ascendant power base that held the economic and political texture of this country together.


There is no time for bipartisanship. Our country is sick and it is burning on the inside. The insurrection was a gauge of its high temperature.

And, no, the COVID Rescue Plan is a short-term band-aid that does not address the many structural afflictions facing our nation. Many in the GOP hope that the government assisting the public, for once, during the pandemic, will suffice to appease the masses. These GOP Senators think that the COVID Rescue Plan is a Carte Blanche to renege on any reforms and to continue on the same path that led us to a mob storming the Capitol. If Americans are not so angry with their government, they would have never elected Donald Trump to the White House. Hey, don’t tell that to Mitch McConnell or Joe Manchin. It would just not register.

Never before had we faced this chance of really reversing Reaganism. Prior to Ronald Reagan, the middle class in America was a thriving and economically ascendant power base that held the economic and political texture of this country together. In 40 years, Reagan erased over 200 years of sensible policies to make America the nation we all wish it to be. Reagan killed the American dream altogether.

The DNC is in a lose-lose situation with Manchin, so the organization might as well fight back hard. If Joe Manchin was smart, he would not corner Biden as he did.


President Biden has an opportunity, 40 years later, to reverse those policies that are destabilizing the country. Things are getting worse by the week for the impoverished and the middle class, yet all the GOP political machine thinks about is how to enrich itself and their patrons even more, and to hell with the republic.

The President cannot miss this opportunity, dodge it, or walk the plank of courage timidly. Biden needs to be bold and he needs to forget bipartisanship because, secretly, the whole GOP machine wants him to fail miserably so they can win back the seat of powers. Do not believe anyone who talks of bipartisanship because it is a GOP ruse to buy time, something they successfully accomplished during the Obama presidency.

What to do about Joe Manchin is key to this strategy. One man cannot possibly hold saving this nation from the Reagan era all by himself. So, if I were the head of the DNC, I would start a low-level campaign of demonizing Manchin to prepare for his ouster. Even if he retaliates, it’s the same as not having his vote. The DNC is in a lose-lose situation with Manchin, so the organization might as well fight back hard. If Joe Manchin was smart, he would not corner Biden as he did.

Let’s blanket the airwaves in West Virginia to explain that Joe Manchin does not work for the little guy. Joe Manchni is a Democrat in name only.

Transformational Legislation or Bipartisanship to Block Reforms?

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