Under Trump America Lost its Human Rights Legitimacy

Under Trump America Lost its Human Rights Legitimacy

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Ask any dissident who relies on the United States’ moral compass to drive for productive and constructive changes in their own country, and that person will tell you, today, that under Trump America lost its human rights legitimacy to seek global freedom for all.

That legitimacy was a bankable asset the United States wielded with efficiency to assist people around the world and to advance its interests. But because the US voted for a dumb President, we gave away one of the most important tools in international diplomacy. It will take the United States generations of to re-capture that asset, and only if Congress legislates serious reforms with regard to police brutality. One of which should cleanse police departments of Nazis and white supremacists, in addition to clipping the wings of police unions.

A Chinese editor of a newspaper tweeted:

The United States has reached a point where its President has become a clear and present danger to its democracy


How can Secretary Pompeo, the next time our policy makers recommend pressure on China’s human rights record, berate its leadership, or any other country for that matter? Mike Pompeo should get on the phone with this President and scold him for his stupidity.

The George Floyd tragedy was our only chance to show the world that what happens to so many African-Americans are isolated incidents of police departments stacked with white supremacists.  That America stands for human rights and freedom.

Instead, we showcased exactly the opposite because our dumb President wanted to “dominate”. He still thinks he is on “The Apprentice” TV show.

Why can’t he get a turtle to “dominate”?

Watch one of hundreds of videos of police brutality against the media and peaceful protesters. This one against an Australian TV reporter and cameraman filming the attack live.

How can anyone not look at this video, in addition to George Floyd’s intentional murder, and not think the U.S. is  a barbaric country? We have become a police state in every sense of the word. Especially when Donald Trump orders the police to drop mace bombs in the middle of a peaceful protest near the White House.  This is what rogue and violent dictators do. But don’t tell this to this President. It will just fly over his head. He is the President of the Divided States now.

This is no longer about freedom of speech when this President is exercising the powers available to him to divide this country and tear us apart


The United States has reached a point where its President has become a clear and present danger to its democracy. If he is re-elected in November, he will destroy this country. In ways that may start a new civil war on the streets of this nation.

We must boot Donald Trump out of office. Our democracy has become too fragile, at this point, to endure another four year of Donald Trump. Further, it is imperative that Twitter cancels his account using the same standards Twitter relies upon to cancel threats to our country. This is no longer about freedom of speech when this President is exercising the powers available to him to divide this country and tear us apart. If Jack Dorsey thinks this is not a good reason, then let him explain to the world when our country falls apart why he stood by in spite of all the evidence of a President intent on ignoring the U.S. Constitution.

What do you tell  people in Syria, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, and so many other places? That the United States stands for freedom and human rights? We have become the laughing stock of the world because of Donald Trump when we speak of human rights.

We must boot him out of office come this November. If he tries to trample the Constitution again, then our institutions have the absolute right to force him out of office before November to spare this country more pain.

We can no longer ignore his danger to our democracy.

Under Trump America Lost its Human Rights Legitimacy


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