To Understand Belfast, Think Poland

To Understand Belfast, Think Poland

Assad Big Bang Theory: Sleuth That Carcass
Israel Helped Obama Skirt ‘Red Line’ on Syria
Assad Removal Requires Total Putin Isolation

It is obvious to all those watching the body language of both President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin that their negotiations on Syria have failed. One of the reasons the negotiations failed had to do with President Obama’s inability to leverage the negotiations to America’s advantage. To understand this Belfast meeting between the two world leaders, think Poland.

Now, think back to 2009 when newly elected President Obama dismantled the US Missile Defense Complex in Poland, which were protecting our NATO allies as part of the US Ballistic Missile Defense European Capability, without any negotiations on the part of Obama with Russia’s Putin. It was a gift to Putin.

Who gives free gifts in today’s world of ruthless and cutthroat politics between two sworn enemies competing on the world stage for dominance? To understand Belfast, think Poland

If you were Putin, a wolf from the east, you would have smiled and prepared for the day when you stabbed Barack Obama in the back as a demonstration of how international politics are conducted among superpowers. This is how ill-equipped and unfit Barack Obama is to be the President of the United States of America.

Had Mr. Obama left the defense missiles intact, he could have been able to leverage them for this Belfast moment against full cooperation by Putin to find a solution for Syria’s brutal war and the butchery of Baschar al-Assad.

Among superpowers, one measures experience through power plays.

In your friendly neighborhood, one measures experience by extending a free hand to your neighbor.

Obama should have been one of Chicago local neighborhood pastors or Imam, not our president.

Since 2009, US supremacy has turned into an exercise in friendliness and a bag full of disadvantages. By voting for Barack Obama, Americans voted for a weak, wimpy, and inexperienced president unable to deal on the world stage with cunning and ruthless enemies of America.

To Understand Belfast, Think Poland

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