Video of Russian airstrike hitting a hospital clinic in Syria

Video of Russian airstrike hitting a hospital clinic in Syria

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Below is a video of Russian airstrike hitting a hospital clinic in Syria the moment documentarian Motii Jalal was shooting the video. It shows the exact moment a Russian airstrike hits the Sarmin National hospital in Idlib province, near Aleppo, Syria.

After the first bomb hit an empty school next door to the hospital, Jalal jumps into his car to document the attack, only to be badly injured in a second strike.

Russia has been targeting hospitals in Syria to insure that no Islamist get treatment there. Along the way, they are killing innocent civilians who seek treatments in these makeshift clinics many of them administered by a US-based NGO SAMS.

When a Palestinian is killed in Israel for wielding a knife to harm Israeli civilians, the whole U.N. erupts in disgust. But when Russia kills Syrian civilians by the hundreds and targets their hospitals deliberately, the U.N. is as silent as a cemetery at midnight.

Remember when Barack Obama scolded Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel for his Gaza measured response? Where is Obama today to scold Putin for his immeasurable savagery? Since when bombing hospitals in any war is permitted with a shrug of the shoulder?

These double-standards by the U.N. body is what makes it unappealing to those who seek even-handed justice. The U.N. silence against the atrocities being committed by Russia against civilians will not go unnoticed.

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Watch the video to see what Russia is doing against civilians in Syria.

Video of Russian airstrike hitting a hospital clinic in Syria


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