Want ice cream, or watch a WMD attack son?

Want ice cream, or watch a WMD attack son?

If Hassan Rouhani was John Boehner
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Let’s talk Iran

Here is a snippet of a future Americana we should expect Hollywood to begin disseminating: Want ice cream, or watch a WMD attack son?

I cannot tell whether Washington realizes the precedent Assad is setting when America remains utterly aloof over the consistent gassing of women, children, and civilians.

The statement issued by the White House read:

“The United States is deeply concerned by reports that hundreds of Syrian civilians have been killed in an attack by Syrian government forces, including by the use of chemical weapons, near Damascus earlier today,”

This is a statement one makes to show it is disconnected from any reality. Does Valerie Jarrett realize what is happening? Or, does her detachment also mean lack of presence of mind?

The risks of miscalculation by any one of the three musketeers of terror, and the most violent men on this planet in Assad, Nasrallah, and Khamenei just exploded exponentially. All checks and balances would be shredded to pieces if the US does not punish Assad for his savagery and barbarism.

Syrians do not want the US to arm the Rebels anymore for fear US weapons might fall in the wrong hands, as the US has repeatedly claimed. However, Syrians want the US to punish Assad and the close men around him severely for their crimes against humanity. What excuse will General Dempsey concoct now?

With Assad pushing the envelope closer and closer to an all-out WMD assault on Syrians to punish them for rising against his rule, inaction by the international community will have deep repercussions, not only in more future WMD attacks against civilians, but also in proliferation of WMD weapons.

An attack that goes unpunished proliferates WMD sale and the sense their use is not so prohibitively expensive after all.

Want ice cream, or watch a WMD attack son?


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