We Asked ChatGPT Three Essential Questions

We Asked ChatGPT Three Essential Questions
We Asked ChatGPT Three Essential Questions

For those interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how its vast depository of facts and information can impact our lives, we asked ChatGPT three essential questions about the American political system, which we wanted to share in this Blog. These are not highly sophisticated questions, but rather basic. They do, however, provide a deep insight into what makes this country tick and why today’s politics are not healthy or sustainable in the long run to a fair and equitable society.


There are many reasons why Americans may mistrust their government, including:

Historical factors: The US has a long history of mistrust of government, dating back to the American Revolution and the formation of the country’s founding documents, which emphasized limited government and individual rights.

Partisan polarization: In recent years, political polarization has deepened, with people on opposite sides of the political spectrum becoming increasingly entrenched in their views and less willing to compromise.

Corruption and scandal: High-profile cases of corruption and scandal, such as Watergate and the Iran-Contra affair, have eroded public trust in government institutions and officials.

Economic inequality: The growing gap between the rich and poor in the US has led to perceptions that government policies are more beneficial to the wealthy than to the average person.

Distrust of the media: Many Americans also have a deep distrust of the mainstream media, which they perceive as biased or unreliable, leading to a skepticism of information presented by the government.

Ineffective government: Many Americans may also be frustrated with what they perceive as an ineffective government that is unable to solve pressing issues or meet the needs of its citizens.

These and other factors have contributed to a general atmosphere of skepticism and mistrust of the US government, which can make it more difficult for policymakers to achieve consensus and make progress on important issues.

Conclusion? We have a broken political system that cannot last.


It is difficult to make generalizations about why all Americans might be angry, as people’s emotions and experiences vary widely. However, there are several factors that have contributed to a growing sense of anger and frustration in the US in recent years, including:

Economic inequality: The growing wealth gap between the rich and poor in the US has left many people feeling left behind and frustrated with the current economic system.

Political polarization: The US has become increasingly politically polarized, with people on opposite sides of the political spectrum becoming more entrenched in their views and less willing to compromise.

Racial and social injustice: Recent high-profile incidents of police brutality and systemic racism have brought longstanding issues of racial and social injustice to the forefront of national attention, leading to anger and protests.

Public health crisis: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant health and economic impacts, leaving many people feeling frustrated and angry about the government’s response.

Environmental concerns: Many Americans are also concerned about environmental issues such as climate change, and feel frustrated with the lack of progress in addressing these problems.

Overall, there are many different factors that can contribute to anger and frustration in the US, and these may vary depending on an individual’s background and experiences. It is important to acknowledge and address these concerns in order to work towards a more just and equitable society.

Conclusion? We have a broken political system that cannot last.


As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future with certainty, but I can say that the survival of US democracy will depend on a number of factors. While the US has a strong tradition of democracy and a robust system of checks and balances, recent years have seen increased polarization, disinformation, and threats to the integrity of elections. It will be important for the US government and its citizens to work together to address these challenges and strengthen the institutions and norms that underpin democracy.

This may include measures such as improving election security, increasing transparency and accountability in government, reducing political polarization, and promoting civic education and engagement. It is also important to recognize and address the underlying issues of economic inequality, racial and social injustice, and other sources of frustration and anger that can erode public trust in democratic institutions.

Overall, the survival of US democracy will depend on the ability of its citizens and leaders to come together and work towards a shared vision of a more just and equitable society. While there are certainly challenges ahead, the US has a long history of resilience and a deep commitment to democratic values, which may provide a strong foundation for moving forward.

The sad part about what we asked ChatGPT? Our politicians are doing nothing to steer the country into the right direction. How does that make America great, or great again, if we keep on the same destructive path?

Our Representatives need to read these questions and answers to the rest of Congress and the American people. As a wake-up call to the dysfunctional government we have become.

This is who we truly are.

We Asked ChatGPT Three Essential Questions

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