What Have the Blacks Done to Some of the Whites to Deserve Hate?

What Have the Blacks Done to Some of the Whites to Deserve Hate?

What have the blacks done to some of the white people to deserve their hate and loathing? Why are so many white people racists when the blacks have done nothing to them? They did not kidnap them from another continent, nor enslaved them. They did not lynch them, nor stolen their rights or properties. Why then? It is a question that I keep asking myself lately.

A similar question could be asked of what the Jews have done to the Germans. The answer is implicitly hidden in our fears from those whose culture or behavior, be it social or religious, is different than ours. Those who hate a tribe different than theirs are people whose narrow mindedness fill them with fear. An unjustifiable fear that often leads the illegal acts of violence so extreme to test our own humanity.

The cruelty of Derek Chauvin slowly and deliberately taking the life of George Floyd has resulted in a wake-up call that our humanity is under such duress that we could not but act. The same thing happens every time one watches the horrid videos of the Nazi concentration camps in Europe.

But the question remains: What have the blacks done to the white haters to become the target of their violent fury and bias and discrimination? Their hate has lasted over 400 years for no reason other than … They are black people. The cruelty a man is capable of blows the mind.

The historian argues that the expansion of slavery modernized the American economy in the first eighty years and put the U.S. on the rails towards the greatest economy in the world today.


Just imagine for one minute what America would look like had it not enslaved forcefully the blacks from Africa? Would it look like Russia today? All white, but economically inconsequential? Or would it look like Germany? All white, but a giant economy nonetheless?

Economically speaking, Germany ranks No. 4 with regard to its GDP, while the U.S. ranks No. 1. However, Germany boasts 25% the number of citizens but its economy is about 19% the size of the U.S. Might one assume, unscientifically, that the blacks in this country who contributed greatly to building its economy with their blood, sweat, and tears have contributed significantly to the rise of the American economy? On the surface, I say yes.

But a more scholarlry study confirms it in a book the historian Edward E. Baptist wrote about this particular subject matter. The book, entitled “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism” details how slavery ferried the U.S. economy from a rural lilliputian tobacco economy to a giant cotton global empire. The historian argues that the expansion of slavery modernized the American economy in the first eighty years and put the U.S. on the rails towards the greatest economy in the world today.

If only the haters, many of them rich old white supremacist men, knew their history, they might accept the idea that without the African-Americans of this country, they would not be so rich and so powerful today. Their ancestors would still be hawking tobacco like some third-world country would be hawking garments today.

Without the black Americans, we could still be a country of peasants selling cigarettes to the world.


There is no rhyme and reason for the hate white supremacists have harbored for centuries. To the point where every law, every rule, and evry policy at the local, state, or Federal levels have been influenced to forge more hate for the blacks of this country.

The list of policies targeting black Americans is endless. We see the results today when police murder black men intentionally, or when prosecutors refuse to hold police accountable, or their unions to defend repeat violent offenders. And that’s just at the police levels. Look what states like Georgia and Texas are doing to make it more difficult for blacks to exercise their rights to vote. Is it because the white supremacists think they are still 3/5 humans? You bet they do.

The cruelty and disloyalty of the white supremacists to how important were, and still are, the contributions of African-Americans to the economic power of the United States is unconscionable. Without slavery, the United States might just be another Russia today. All white and no bite.

The next time you encounter a situation to have a positive impact on the life of a black American, think about their contributions to augment and propel our country to greatness. Without the black Americans, we could still be a country of peasants selling cigarettes to the world.

What Have the Blacks Done to Some of the Whites to Deserve Such Hate?

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