What Kind of People Impose an Exterminator Upon Other People?

What Kind of People Impose an Exterminator Upon Other People?

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There is not enough humanity left in the world to forgive a US President and his Secretary of State for imposing Assad on Syrians especially when the President’s United Nations Ambassador wrote a book about genocide. This veneer Barack Obama has surrounded himself with just gave way to the Hitler of the 21st century to live in order to exterminate more people. What kind of people impose an exterminator upon other people? Barack Obama is that kind of person.

What kind of people would impose a mass killer upon other people because they are ideologically too lazy to commit to fight Muslim terrorists? If there was ever an opposite to the kind, gentle, and thoughtful Martin Luther King Jr., black-hearted Barack Obama is that person. His legacy will be written in the blood of the innocent for centuries. 

The world does not realize that Syrians and American-Syrians consider Assad to be their Adolph Hitler. It just has not dawned on them as some push for Assad to rule Syria rather than confront some rag tag terrorists screaming “Allah wa Akbar”. Better Assad exterminate Syrians than feel the threat emanating from Islamism even if remotely. After all, how could Assad exterminating people in his prisons have anything to do with us? We are justified morally and conscientiously because we could simply claim to be ignorant. Just as the world ignored Hitler’s ovens.

What kind of people impose an exterminator upon other people? Are they without a conscious? Have they descended into an immoral abyss the likes of which humanity has never witnessed before? Is this the new standard in how humans deal with each other going forward?

Is black Barack Obama the black curtain that usually descends upon you just as you die? Does black Barack Obama feel at home backing human exterminators who turn human flesh into black ash? If he could not be a Hitler himself, he could use his powers to make sure another Hitler lives on to exterminate people. Which is what Barack Obama did when he allowed a genocidal maniac to remain in power.

Anyone who supports Assad because of fear from Islamic terrorists we could defeat if we put our mind to the task is as guilty in facilitating the rise of the extermination dungeons of Baschar al-Assad of Syria.

Anyone who believes it is better to have Assad exterminate Syrians they have no empathy for than to feel threatened by Islamists we could defeat if we can muster a Churchillian will is an accomplice of Assad and his extermination camps.

Just imagine for a moment Churchill declare in 1939 that it is easier to accept Hitler and then yield to his ovens to understand those today accepting the exterminator Assad because they refuse to fight Islamic terror on their own. That same crowd often hails Churchill for his courage, but when it comes to emulating their hero, they are the real cowards of this century.

Anyone who believes it is better to deal with “the devil we know” even though you know he exterminates innocent women and children the way Hitler exterminated innocent Jews is a morally bankrupt human being history will catch up to him/her one day.

There is no hiding from acts of extreme violence or acts that facilitate extreme death. Humanity and history will revisit these people and their facilitators the way it had revisited every other controversial issue, act, or figure later. Slavery, blood diamonds, and Apartheid were all ignored too. Honestly, what kind of people impose an exterminator upon other people?

Black Barack Obama feels comfortable with the notion that Assad is exterminating Syrians. He could move mountains to block him from exterminating innocent Syrians but he won’t because he is a president whose heart is so black it looks like an oven from World War II era. Barack Obama could care less about Assad exterminating Syrians. This is who Barack Obama is.

Engrave this on Obama’s tombstone because historians, no matter how accepting of his blackness today for their guilt-ridden conscious, will one day write about the difference between the great Martin Luther King, Jr. and the menial Barack Obama. They will write about how his black era permitted violent men to exterminate people while he played golf with his buddies. This is the real and only story line of the life of Barack Obama. 

This is the real legacy of Barack Obama the world will remember. He is the kind to impose an exterminator upon other people and believes he could get away with it just because he is black. History, we assure you, has other plans for this black president with the blackest of hearts.

What Kind of People Impose an Exterminator Upon Other People?


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