When Biden Fails Basic Leadership Test

When Biden Fails Basic Leadership Test
When Biden Fails Basic Leadership Test

The Non-Aligned Movement, made up of 120 countries globally, are taking the leadership mantle from Joe Biden by stating support for Palestine and putting an end to the violence in Gaza. NAM, according to Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, wants to hold Israel accountable for the crimes its leaders have committed. This is a big deal. More importantly, it shows when Biden fails a basic leadership test, others are not going to submit to the U.S. killing more Muslims in the Middle East than any other country on the planet. From Iraq, to Syria, to Lebanon, to Yemen, and now, thanks to Joe Biden, masterminding the mass murder of Palestinian civilians, most of whom are Muslims.

Liberal or not. Democrat, or not. Joe Biden is just another European white man with the same zest for mass murdering people across the seas to steal their lands. In the case of the Palestinians, who never attacked the United States, it is hard for Biden to find a plausible excuse for his genocide in Gaza other than his deeply-rooted racism.

So, now, other countries are carrying the torch he is unfit to carry. Do not underestimate the power of 120 countries coming together to stand against American colonizing policies. So hardcore that Biden is bombing helpless civilians like fish in a barrel. Nothing is more unconscionable than killing women and children without any empathy for their plight. That is animalistic to the core.

Who is going to trust America again when it speaks of human rights, or international law?


The Non-Aligned Movement is on the move. These countries can no longer sit and watch white men of European ancestry steal other people’s lands again. Their power comes from the global outcry that neither the octogenarian Biden nor the septuagenarian Netanyahu, fully grasp. To say that both men are out of touch with the new world of youth, not subject to media influence or indoctrination because they replaced their TVs with TikTok and Instagram, is an understatement.

But both are beginning to feel the heat of their foolishness and to grasp how their violence has crossed a line with the global community. Their genocide against Gaza has shocked the world. Netanyahu does not care because he is one foot out the door, and this is why he is keeping his foot on the pedal of violence. But for genocide Joe, many around him just do not get how he could blow his chances of re-election for something that is so undemocratic and which undermines U.S. values. Who is going to trust America again when it speaks of human rights, or international law?

They are so numb that 60 Democrat lawmakers wrote him a letter asking to clarify whether he is on-board with Netanyahu’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Absolutely unreal that a U.S. President is conspiring with Israel to cause even more misery to the innocent civilians of Gaza. What gives him the right to abuse his powers so deliberately? What gives him the right to kill innocent women and children 6,000 miles away?

In total honesty, many Americans would rather have an idiot in the White House than a genocidal old man who may embark on an ethnic cleansing campaign as if he lived in the 19th century.


Because of his basic leadership failure, NAM is mobilizing, and so are other countries that are bringing another case against Israel at the ICC, which is controlled by the United Nations. Yes, you guessed it. A big American veto is coming up. But the point is that with so many countries standing against the U.S. and Israel, it is bound to impact relations with the U.S. be they diplomatic, political, or even economic.

A group of 77 NGOs have also filed a lawsuit at the ICJ against Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, and Lloyd Austin for committing genocide in Gaza. It never happened before that a sitting U.S. president would face such accountability measures for his genocidal violence. Unprecedented, as it opens the door wide open for a complete isolation of the United States. Even if it does not succeed, the stamp of genocide is now tattooed on Biden’s face.

This is why old Joe Biden is unfit to become President again. He cannot even see how harmful his policies are to U.S. interests and its standing on the world stage. Biden thought he isolated Russia because of Ukraine, instead, he isolated himself and the U.S. ten times over because of Israel.

In total honesty, many Americans would rather have an idiot in the White House than a genocidal old man who may embark on an ethnic cleansing campaign as if he lived in the 19th century.

At his age, maybe he did live in the 19th century.

When Biden Fails Basic Leadership Test

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