When Children Suffer

When Children Suffer

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Open Letter to Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem
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There is nothing that renders a human more vulnerable to emotions as to when they watch when children suffer and die, a woman gets raped, or a human gets tortured. Every fiber in our body bends to the pain and every fluid turns into tears.

Over the last 2 years, Syrians and American-Syrians have been watching their children suffer and die, their women get raped, and their young men get tortured and die at the hands of a psychopathic regime. For that, tens of millions of people from around the world bereaved with us, were saddened by our tragedy, and used the power of their pens, ideas, and any source of power they enjoyed to assist in any way they can the innocent Syrian people caught in the jaws of the violence of Assad. Syrians and American-Syrians are eternally grateful for all those who experienced with us the pain we felt and the sorrow we endured.

Sandy Hook Tragedy

But today, America is experiencing such a tragic moment when children suffer and die. As Syrians and Syrian-Americans, we stand by everyone affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy in Newton Connecticut. Your sorrow is our sorrow and the pain we feel for those young children and the families they leave behind has no bounds. Nothing in this world will ever replace that precious child that suddenly leaves a void no heart can ever assimilate and no mind can ever understand.

We cannot make sense of what happened. We cannot find words to describe the pain; but what we can do is come together, stand by each other, and let the parents of any child who suffered needlessly a violent death know, whether in America, Syria, or anywhere else, that we all speak as one, with one voice and one heart. Let them know that we all can coalesce into one human being able to feel the pain and able to grief with the parent of that child.


We must not also forget the survivors who will suffer for a long time. Imagine for a moment that little nine year old girl watching her best friend die in front of her. What can anyone tell that girl that would ever erase this nightmare from her sub-conscious for the rest of her life? Violent and needless death scars everyone.

Our children are our guiding light and when they suffer and die needlessly and helplessly, we lose that candle to brighten our soft hearts.

To all the families whose children and loved ones perished in Connecticut yesterday, we offer our most sincere condolences on behalf of the Syrian people and on behalf of all the Syrian mothers to the children they lost violently and needlessly as well.

When Children Suffer


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