When Disney Movies Become Unsuitable For Children

When Disney Movies Become Unsuitable For Children
When Disney Movies Become Unsuitable For Children

No, the title of this blog is not a typo. In Florida, a teacher who has shown a Disney movie with a gay character in it, is under investigation by the Florida Department of Education. When Disney movies become unsuitable for our children, only then we realize the extremism our country is basking in thanks to the likes of Governor Ron DeSantis. Even though the gods of the religious right, the GOP represents, created the gay people; unless, they all think they are aliens.

When Disney movies become unsuitable for children, it is time to move to Canada. Really, go figure that hate in that puzzle.

The far right extremism gripping this country should concern every American. In short, they disguise their Christian Talibanism and call it American patriotism.


The 2022 movie in question is called “Strange World”. The movie has won nine awards nominations to include the beautiful Gabrielle Union for her impressive voice. Other voices include those of Jake Gyllenhaal, Dennis Quaid, Lucy Liu, and so many other talented Hollywood actors.

Here is a trailer of the movie. You judge for yourself if this is inappropriate for our children to watch.

The far right extremism gripping this country should concern every American. In short, they disguise their Christian Talibanism and call it American patriotism.

The far right persecution of teachers is just the beginning of something far more sinister that is heading our way like a freight train if we don’t stop these fanatics in their tracks. The teacher in question, Jenna Barbee of the Hernando County’s Winding Waters K-8 school, posted on her TikTok postI am the teacher that’s under investigation with the Florida Department of Education for indoctrination for showing a Disney movie,”

In this case, all it took is for one crazy and fanatic parent to complain to start the whole investigation in a state ready for its very own Florida Inquisition moment.

Americans today are living like the Germans of circa 1930, and they still do not realize it. Their naive inclinations have turned them into stooges into the hands of evil people, and their ignorance of history makes them clueless about where their extremism might land them and their country one day.

Let us hope Disney fights back by defending the teacher all the way to the Supreme Court.

When Disney Movies Become Unsuitable For Children

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