While Assad Sits on $62B, He Rewards Veterans With Cans of Beans

While Assad Sits on $62B, He Rewards Veterans With Cans of Beans

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From the “believe it or not” department comes this incredible story first reported by al-Souria.net. While Assad sits on $62B of pilfered funds, he rewards veterans with cans of beans delivered by a beauty to forget that their limps were worth two cans of beans.

Apparently, a small army of rescue organizations is going around the hospitals providing the cans of beans to the injured Syrian army conscripts, some of whom cannot eat but through a straw. Many could not stand up to thank the beauty.

This is how much a veteran is worth under the Assad regime: Two cans of beans backed by a big propaganda to show how merciful the psychopath Assad is. The worst part, it costs Assad nothing because these cans of beans were gifted by the United Nations.


This is not the first time the regime is caught with its pants down for its lack of appreciation of its own veterans. Some months ago, the regime accorded all next of kin to all those who died or were severely injured defending the psychopath Assad free passes to ride the public transportation buses operating in the city of Latakia. “Your son gives his life, you get to ride the bus free” should have been the motto of this gesture.

TFS has always told Syrians that if you want the psychopath Assad, you can have him. We know what kind of barbarian he is.

Since many who fall for Assad on the battlefields are the hapless and the helpless with no powerful connections to spare them serving on the hot fronts, giving these veterans two cans of beans for their service shows the contempt Assad has for those who fight and die for him.

At TFS, we believe the United Nations should next provide the Assad regime with sticks of American chewing gum to reward them for their sacrifices. Our bet many would simply die and go to heaven.

While Assad Sits on $62B, He Rewards Veterans With Cans of Beans


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