While the West Battles a Pandemic the Nefarious Conspire

While the West Battles a Pandemic the Nefarious Conspire

Chemical Assad Met Khamenei To Coordinate Terrorizing US Troops
All This Death to Save One Psychopath Dictator
Participating in Damascus Fair is a Risky Business

The coronavirus is imposing new limitations on all militaries engaged in conflicts around the world. But while the west battles a pandemic the nefarious conspire and plan their next moves. Here is a snapshot, AP wrote, of the adjustments armies had to make:

Armies have had to enforce social distancing rules among troops while helping with national outbreak containment and postponing maneuvers.


It is almost a certainty that military planners in the U.S., Israel, and Turkey are charting some scenarios of what Assad plans might be. How he could be utilizing this downtime in fighting and the west distraction to plot ahead. This short reprieve affords him the opportunity for some evil doing the west is not paying attention to at this moment.

What Assad might be doing is worth trying to figure out.

TFS wrote a story about Assad weaponizing the COVID-19 virus to incubate longer, which will be far more devastating. No one should discount this possibility. Between Russia and Iran, both can lend him the scientists and the equipment to militarize the virus. Both would see the Assad proxy as a useful weapon they can deploy in the future. Instead of a missile landing on its target, the new Assad missile welcomes the defensive mechanisms of the Patriot or the Iron Dome. Its explosion could drop smaller cluster bombs with liquefied virus it can spread over a large tract of land.

Furthermore, Assad laboratories where he also manufactures large quantities of sarin gas, could be looking to mutate the virus to make it as impossible to stop as the AIDS virus when it struck. Again, as a weapon of mass destruction Assad can deploy against his people or enemies if need be.

Those who believe Assad is incapable should be reminded of his infamous slogan “Assad, or we burn the country”. Well, he burned the country. Psychotic men don’t have much of a humor. Assad was not kidding!


Putin has been caught red-handed trying to poison his enemies across Europe using banned chemical substances. A third-party proxy, like Assad, would shield him by providing deniability of action. The logic rests in Russian capacity to use its veto to protect Assad as it did when he dropped sarin on his own people. Putin can extend that same shield to any of Assad future actions the psycho can carry out on orders from Russia, which is why Russian help to weaponize the coronavirus in Syrian laboratories makes sense here.

Assad could play a larger role than just winning against Islamist terrorists and innocent civilians. Assad is the weapon, as far as Putin is concerned.

We must think of Assad the way Putin thinks of him. Yes, he is a local monster, but Putin’s success in shielding him from international accountability and punishment for his actions is an eye opener. Assad could play a larger role than just winning against Islamist terrorists and innocent civilians. Assad is the weapon, as far as Putin is concerned.

If any responsible national security official is not thinking of this scenario, they are not doing their job. What does it take to turn Assad into a much feared weapon? Arm him with a deadly virus it can deploy effectively against his Russia’s enemies. Then announce it discreetly to protect Russian interests worldwide.

You see, a more potent coronavirus is the new nuclear weapon that not only kills people but whole economies. Slowly and efficiently.

Pay attention to what Assad is doing during this downtime when the west is distracted by a virus. Hypothesis in evil hands is reality.

While the West Battles a Pandemic the Nefarious Conspire


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