White Police Violence Reaching New Levels of Brutality

White Police Violence Reaching New Levels of Brutality

I would never dare use the word “smart” in any sentence that also mentions white police violence against black and brown innocent civilians. These white officers are the dumbest white trash you can hire. Their brutality continues to happen as if George Floyd never died, and as if all the anger that poured into the streets by conscientious Americans tired of the government’s use of police did not materialize. It seems that we have two US Governments in this country. One for the privileged white people and the other, which acts like a communist dictatorship for the black and brown people.

Almost daily, you will read a story about some white police officers using excessive and unwarranted force on some poor soul just like the Stasi used excessive force to control East Germans. Yet, no one in the US Government, from the top down, is talking about the continued police brutalization of innocent people as if it is not happening.

Honestly, after watching the video, I am almost certain that trained jungle Gorillas can do a better job Protecting and Serving than some white police officers.


Tell me something. Which part of the video below of violent police officers beating a 17-year old for shoplifting tells us they are serving and protecting their communities. Just show me one frame or one action in that video to highlight the police in protects and serves. To add insult to injury, who do you think is investigating the incident? Yup, the police department. Talk about the fox guarding the hen.

It’s just one rotten system that is totally out of control.

If after watching the video you don’t react to this violence, you are not human. Furthermore, I can honestly say that I am almost certain that trained jungle Gorillas can do a better job Protecting and Serving than some white police officers. This is how bad police hiring and training has become.

As we speak, the police departments are taking over the roles of our justice system by playing judge, jury, and executioner.

Yet, the Republican Senators refuse to lift the Qualified Immunity law that protects police officers from ever getting sued in a court of law for violating the rights of the American people. They can pretty much beat, torture, and kill at will any civilian without the law touching them; except with a slap on the hands once in a while.

Just like the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The George Floyd verdict was an exception. It might never happen again as white police violence continues to brutalize the innocent.

White Police Violence Reaching New Levels of Brutality

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