Who Will Hold Accountable the Barbaric Israeli Settlers?

Who Will Hold Accountable the Barbaric Israeli Settlers
Who Will Hold Accountable the Barbaric Israeli Settlers

We have a question to ask anyone with enough common sense and power to answer it: Who will hold accountable the barbaric Israeli settlers killing innocent Palestinians just for existing? Shouldn’t the ICC investigate their savagery and terrorism in the West Bank? Why wonder what sparks terrorism if the world is oblivious to its origins?

Hamas will soon cease to exist. But left behind are hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers intent on killing and expropriating lands they have no title to. Who will stop these miscreants after Hamas has been decimated? They killed their own prime minister Yitzchak Rabin in 1995 to block the Oslo Accords, which would have been the beginning process for a two-state solution.

These extremists will block any effort to allow the Palestinians own self-determination on lands they own. To include killing other Jews.

It’s the mother of all laissez-faire tenets.


If the world really wants peace in the region, after Hamas, must come clipping off the wings of the Israeli extremists by moving them all out of the West Bank. At 15 children for each family of cousins marrying their cousins, they are creating political unpredictability and an unforeseen powder keg. Next on their list is Jordanian land. According to their history, three Jewish tribes, the Tribe of Reuben, the Tribe of Gad and the Tribe of Manasseh all settled in Jordan.

Folks, after the extremist Israel settlers occupy the West Bank, they aim to occupy lands to the east of the Jordan River. These barbaric extremists will cause many wars to come in the region. Yet, no one seems to understand their danger, or is willing to block their occupation of more lands.

It’s the mother of all laissez-faire tenets.

Even if the settlers kill another one of their own prime minster who sought peace.


Neither President Biden nor his national security staff are raising the alarm about their extremism as if they don’t exist. Is it because of political contributions by hardliner Jewish billionaires, or is it just fear of sparking outrage against all Jews in general? Or both?

Whatever the reason is, the President better, even discreetly, mount a strategy to eradicate this kind of dangerous extremism in Israel as well. You cannot eradicate one extremism by decimating Hamas, while turning a blind eye to another, causing the Hamas-like extremism to manifest itself through terror. This formula is a big diplomatic failure.

So, the question remains. Who will hold accountable the barbaric Israeli settlers in the West bank? What mechanism is in place to abet their continued terror against the Palestinians in the West Bank? If none, Hamas 2.0 is already in the making. Some 400 million Arabs and Muslims support it, backed by another terrorist nation in Iran.

Figure this puzzle quickly by imposing a two-state solution on Israel. Even if the settlers kill another one of their own prime minster who sought peace.

Is Biden fully awake?

Who Will Hold Accountable the Barbaric Israeli Settlers?

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