Why White Supremacists Really Hate Black Americans

Why White Supremacists Really Hate Black Americans

Knowing why White Supremacists really hate Black Americans is imperative to understand the motivation behind their racism, bigotry, and constant denigrating of the very race without which America, today, would look more like Russia. A vast country of incompetent whiteness. If it was not for the broad and strong shoulders of the first African-Americans that built this country, this nation might not have achieved its economic successes.

There must be a good reason for their hate that White Supremacists feel uncomfortable admitting, and which, I believe, is at the root of today’s racism. In fact, I think there are many. Let’s delve into them.

From August 19, 1619 when the first ship of slaves landed at Jamestown, until the last day of the civil war in 1865, some slave owners practiced what breeders might call “Selective Breeding”, which tried to mix the sturdiest of slaves to breed a stronger offspring. But that practice was not as widespread as some might think. Instead, consider the dexterity of slaves arriving after a long journey from Africa having endured disease and famine to understand how only the fittest of the fit survived the brutal ocean crossing under such horrific conditions. What landed on American soil was the most amazing humans with super genes any nation could have experienced.

What landed on American soil was the most amazing humans with super genes any nation could have experienced.


Most blacks today (and many “whites”) are the result of a mixture of DNA from various locations in the world creating something that agronomists call “hybrid vigor” which comes from different sources of DNA mixed in a new individual. The benefits would include added strength, bigger size, more vigor, rapid growth, noticeable hardiness, and resistance to disease. This cross-breeding between the two races has created new dynamics as both saw their mental and physical vigor expand.

This puts them both in direct competition of one another, which brings us to racism. The White Supremacists have always been afraid that if the blacks of this country get the proper education and the same equal opportunities that they might surpass the intellect of the white men. And nothing more than “shut up and dribble” racist comment Laura Ingraham’s made against the super athlete and human being LeBron James demonstrates that put down. White Supremacists, like Laura Ingraham, do not want to show their inferiority to the blacks directly. Suffice to say that denigration is their number one weapon to avoid that comparison.

While the animosity between the White Supremacists and native Indians has subsided over the years, such is not true when it comes to black Americans.


American history books are full of white men exceeding their expectations to become famous in their own disciplines. But often, black men and women are denied the same celebration of their works. Sometimes, breakaways like Frederick Douglass, write their own history despite all the denialists’ attempt at wiping his clean. Some of the white men have buried the great stories of thousands of great men and women of color for fear that their intellect may show to be far superior to theirs. This fear has bred undeniable and systemic racism in America.

Physically-speaking, it does not take a genius to see how superior are Black Americans, that hearty pool of genes that survived an ocean crossing, when it comes to athleticism, and even being better lovers. This visible difference is giving White Supremacists a fit. They have grown an inferiority-complex that feeds their hate and drives their motives. Is it possible that when a wife of a white policeman cheats on him with a black lover, he turns into a racist on a revenge streak to kill as many black people as possible? Yes, it is. The jealousy over the physical attributes of black men drives their fear, which drives their racist views.

While the animosity between the White Supremacists and native Indians has subsided over the years, such is not true when it comes to black Americans.  Mainly because the white people fear the intellect and the superiority of the black race if given the same opportunities this country takes for granted when it comes to the Caucasian race.

This is why people like Representative Paul Gosar are openly racists. Gosar was the main speaker at the annual convention of a White Supremacist group. Maybe someone should ask his wife the real reason why.

Why White Supremacists Really Hate Black Americans

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