Why Would Cameron Declare Air Strikes Will Help Settlement in Syria?

Why Would Cameron Declare Air Strikes Will Help Settlement in Syria?

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According to a BBC story, British Prime Minister David Cameron insisted that “Conducting air strikes against so-called Islamic State in Syria will help to bring a political settlement to the country”. Why would Cameron declare air strikes against ISIS would bring about a settlement in Syria’s civil war?

Because the West knows that Russia and Iran are propping up ISIS for double reasons. For one, it threatens Europe as we have witnessed in the Paris attacks conducted by ISIS Muslim fanatics, and it removes off the table this notion that the alternative to the psychopath Baschar al-Assad are terrorists and not the moderate Syrian opposition Iran and Assad have declared non-existent and Putin has been striking in Syria. ISIS plays an important role for the Russian axis.

In effect and on this subject, Cameron said:

“We do need to have a moderate opposition in Syria that can be part of the future government, so the political process and the action against Daesh to keep us safe at home go hand in hand.”

Europe gets it. Europe knows that as long as ISIS exists, which the Assad regime has been buying oil from, Assad moderate Syrian opposition has no chance of making a stand against the tyranny and terror of the Assad regime.

Why would Cameron declare that air strikes against ISIS would bring about a settlement in Syria’s civil war? Because once the threat of ISIS is removed, then regime change in Syria, through political settlement without Assad or by outright force, would yield a new Syrian state willing to work with the West instead of attacking it.

Europe knows Assad is behind the Paris attacks using ISIS as a proxy. With the exception of Spain whose foreign minister capitulated to the Assad terror, all of Europe is now united against him. Europe realizes it needs to become a tad more proactive to protect its people, which begins by removing the Assad terror once and for all. ISIS gave that opportunity to force Assad out eventually.

Why Would Cameron Declare Air Strikes Will Help Settlement in Syria?


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