Will Obama ask Iran to attack Israel?

Will Obama ask Iran to attack Israel?

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The foreign policy of Barack Obama is collapsing rapidly. On the IS front, consolidation is the name of the game, and on the Iranian front, expansionism seems to have become routine. Both endanger U.S. interests, but while Obama is carefully attacking ISIS in Syria and Iraq, the Obama administration may be secretly permitting Iran to expand and dominate the region. Nothing Iran is doing seems to bother Barack Obama.

Instead his attention is focused on Israel and its leadership.

About two weeks ago, 47 GOP Senators addressed an open letter to Iran warning that a U.S.-Iran deal without Congress approval could be ignored after Obama leaves office. The letter caused an uproar in Washington because it circumvented the president and undermined his authority. In 2007, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also undermined the authority of President Bush when she visited Assad of Syria in defiance of the White House.

Just yesterday, 367 House Members addressed a letter to Obama warning him against a U.S.-Iran deal without their approval. Its veto-proof effect will alter the strategic thinking of the White House because it can no longer ignore Congress in its dealings with Iran. How Obama will respond remains a mystery some 24 hours after the letter. Because of his narcissism and stubbornness, I am betting on Obama ignoring all his critics, and charging ahead with a bad deal.

With his Iran deal on life support, Obama is going to do what he does best: Blame Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in Congress for his attempt to derail it. He will not do it publicly, but he will begin to think of ways to punish Israel. He has already threatened Netanyahu twice. Once when the prime minister was invited by John Boehner to speak in Congress, and the second time after Netanyahu made a reference to ignore the timeless “no two-state solution” during his campaign, and in response the White House threatened to abandon Israel at the United Nations.

In response to these threats, both Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) threatened to cut off funding to the U.N. if Obama goes that route or the U.N. lifts the sanctions against Iran before Congress had the chance the review the deal.

Obama is blunted by Congress on his Iran deal and he is blunted as a result of his threats against Israel. What Obama will think of next to take revenge against Israel may be the most dangerous Obama we have yet to witness.

We are almost certain Obama has dispatched Valerie Jarrett to Iran secretly before. Just imagine the possibility that if Obama cannot press the revenge button himself, he may dispatch Valerie Jarrett secretly to Iran to coordinate an attack against Israel via Hamas or Hezbollah now firmly planted in southern Syria. Will Obama ask Iran to attack Israel? I think he is very capable.

If you think this is far-fetched, think again. Did he not threaten to shoot down Israeli Air Force if Israel attacked Iran’s nuclear installations? Why would he not secretly attack Israel by proxy then?

The hate both Obama and Jarrett harbor for our Arab allies and Israel has no limit. One day we will know all the secrets Jarrett concocted with Iran that is permitting the Mullahs to dominate four Arab countries in the last six years.

Obama is coming, Israel. The silence emanating from the White House is deadly as Obama and Jarrett conspire to punish Israel. Be prepared to confront him by confronting Iran.

Moreover, someone should be watching Tehran and its surrounding airports for mysterious American private jets landing just about now.

Will Obama ask Iran to attack Israel?


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