Witness the Militarization of Syria

Witness the Militarization of Syria

Netanyahu is not Obama
Saving Syria Is No Fantasy
It is not about the Alawites of Syria, It is all about Assad

There are some important policy makers in the US administration who believe they can stop the militarization of Syria by refusing to support the Free Syrian Army. Witness the militarization of Syria

They believe that supporting the SNC is the solution when the SNC has NO STANDING with the Syrian people. The FSA remains the most popular organization inside Syria.

We recommend for those policy makers to really read the US Embassy reports emanating from Syria (Trusting they will state street realities) as they witness the militarization of Syria.

Below are some articles, videos and pictures to confirm my knowledge.


The video above is of a famous 25-year soccer goalie named Saroot being lifted on the people’s shoulders. He then reaches the podium and the masses follow him with this chant:

Yo Ghalioun, stop being deaf, the people want the airplanes (No-Fly-Zone)

Ghalioun presides over the SNC conceived by the Arab League and imposed on Syrians.

There have been two attempts already on Saroot’s life because of his popularity and the ability to stir the masses.

Witness the militarization of Syria.

DATED: Dec. 31, 2011

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In Homs, Syrians lifting the Yellow Card (In reference to a warning in soccer) against Birhan Ghalioun, the head of the SNC for refusing to seek a solution to their plight. One banner reads: “To Birhan Ghalioun, do we need to keep and army and 15 intelligence services to butcher us?”

Witness the militarization of Syria.

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An article in Arabic of an interview by Reuters of the FSA leader Riyad al-Asa’ad saying the Observers sent by the Arab League are not serious and that in one week the FSA will have a surprise the whole world will pay attention to.

Witness the militarization of Syria.

INTERVIEW DATED: Jan. 3, 2012. POSTED: Jan. 4, 2012

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The video above shows tens of bodies massacred by the Syrian army in Jabal al-Zawiya region on Dec. 22, 2011. Toward the end, you can hear these statements from the people:

Where are you Obama? The Arabs?

We want America yo Obama

America is more merciful than the butcher Baschar

The Arabs are inglorious (As in inglorious bastards)

Witness the militarization of Syria.

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A video above from Qamoshli of Syrians chanting:

Ghalioun you don’t hear, the people want the airplanes (NATO No-Fly Zone)

Witness the militarization of Syria.

DATED: Jan. 3, 2012

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Video above taken in Hama. The demonstrators are chanting (Towards the end):

Yo Birhan, stop barking. The people want equal chance.

It was preceded by a statement from the speaker saying Ghalioun is trading with our blood.

Also, you can see some small banners lifted in front of the camera against the Arab League.

Witness the militarization of Syria.

DATED: Jan. 3, 2012

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A video above taken in the Damascus. Chant:

Yo Ghalioun and Yo Mana’a, Syrian blood is not for sale.

This is the exact chant used against Assad. Haytham al-Mana’a is an Assad insider claiming to be an oppositionist. He is the nephew of the vice-president of Syria.

Witness the militarization of Syria.

DATED: Jan. 2, 2012

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The video above showing Captain Iyad al-Deek surrounded by masked armed men (Very heavy fire in the background) swearing to protect Syrians from Assad. This is one of many like it to show that Syria is already militarized and the people are fighting for survival.

Witness the militarization of Syria.

DATED: Dec. 26, 2011

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A collage of banners lifted with various messages:

One says: Tired waiting for NATO

Another: We seek our militia to defend us from the army

Another: To Haytham Mana’a, you do not represent 0.5% of the street

Another: We seek foreign intervention

Another: Where is the end? We swear by our marriage we want foreign intervention

Another: Peaceful so far because we have no weapons.

Witness the militarization of Syria.


Witness the Militarization of Syria


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