My Letter to Michael Dell

I interviewed Bashar al-Assad about Syria’s civil war. He’s still too delusional to end it.
Is Libya Without Qaddafi Worse Than Syria With Assad?
Assad Back to His Old Tricks Trying to Kill Lebanese Politicians

In response to the utterly stupid action by the US State Department to peel Assad from Iran by sending a delegation of high-tech US companies with a chest of goodies aimed at providing freedom for Syrians by installing spying equipment (Honestly, this is the reason), I decided to see whether this action really benefits Dell first before it benefits a bureaucrat with an idiotic concept.

So, I inquired with the Investor Relations Department about how the effect of selling equipment to Syria will Dell derive to its bottom line. Here is a copy of my email to the investor Relations Department:

Can you please send me any information you may have of the impact of Syria’s trip on the bottom line of Dell? I am a Blogger with good following.
If unavailable, please refer me to an executive who may have a better early assessment.
Thank you,
Farid Ghadry

The response I got from Colleen Ryan was:

Thank you for your inquiry.

Due to sanctions in place since 2004, Syria currently cannot purchase technology from U.S. companies. As such, we do not anticipate an impact and won’t speculate about whether there would be an impact if/when barriers are waived.



Now think about this.

There are sanctions against Syria, which the US Congress passed in 2005, and our own US State Department is trying to bust these sanctions. One department in the US Government undermining the will of another. Is it any wonder why Islamist terror has been successful against this country?

So, I decided to write a letter to Michael Dell, Chairman and CEO of Dell, Inc. which you can read:

June 17, 2010

Mr. Michael Dell
Chairman and CEO
Dell, Inc.
One Dell Way
Round Rock, Texas 78682

Dear Mr. Dell,

I am writing you today on behalf of millions of Syrians who are not allowed the freedom to express their views openly.

It has come to our attention that the US State Department has recommended to Dell, Inc. a high-level technology visit to Syria, which was recently organized with Dell”™s participation.

We find it strange that the US State Department would instigate a trip, by some of the most prestigious American companies, to a country it deems worthy to occupy a rank on its list of terrorist nations.

Furthermore, it is a fact that Syria, under the illegal occupation of a president we did not vote for, has been instrumental in fighting US troops in Iraq by sending suicide cars and bombers to kill Americans. This has been documented many times over through Congressional testimonies and detailed information provided by the West Point Academy”™s Combating Terrorism Center.

Mr. Dell, did you know that 413 US troops from Texas died in Iraq as a result of the terror perpetrated by Syria and Iran? Some probably with sisters, fathers, and mothers who may be working at Dell today?

Personally, as an avid capitalist, I am all for maximizing profits and stakeholders’ equity. But if one crosses this responsibility with the Corporate Responsibility element so prominent in Dell’s corporate image, I assure you that Syria, with a per capita GDP of less than $2,100, will have little impact on your profits, but with its history of killing so many US soldiers as recently as 2009, can have a greater negative impact on Dell’s excellent Corporate Responsibility history.

A Syria expert and a US Congressional staffer said “f*** idiots” (Excuse the pun) to describe US State Department officials promoting the visit to Syria. Advocating for a violent Middle East dictator involved in killing US troops is more than idiotic and we are sorry to see Dell, a pillar of its industry with a history of successes in every field it tackles, getting involved in this thankless and unproductive mission.

We hope that Dell, Inc. declines to sell its equipment to Syria until the country promotes peaceful intent and ceases all oppressive mechanism, including abuse of human rights through arbitrary detention of dissidents seeking freedom, suspends all support for terrorism, including Hamas and Hezbollah, and opens all of Syria for inspection for its nuclear program.

The last any American wants is to associate Dell with support of rogue and terrorist regimes like the Assad regime of Syria. We urge you to abstain from opening any centers until Syria adheres to values we all share.


Farid Ghadry

I will post any response I get, if any.

Meanwhile, maybe it’s time to write some of those diplomats at the US State Department who are so enamored by their job and power that they forget whose interests they are supposed to serve first: Their own Government that pays their salaries or the ones that promise them fame and fortune after they retire?


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