Europe Backs A Gaza Genocide, America Votes For Trump

Europe Backs A Gaza Genocide, America Votes For Trump
Europe Backs A Gaza Genocide, America Votes For Trump

Life goes in circles, and often, those circles close on unintentional and unanticipated consequences. When Europe backs a Gaza genocide, instead of pressuring both the United States and Israel for a ceasefire, just as it pressured Biden to fund and back Ukraine, dissatisfied Arab-Americans and Gen Z voters are abandoning Joe Biden by the millions, which means America may now send Europe the one and only Donald Trump to haunt them the way Israel is haunting the Palestinians.

Like we said, life goes in circles.

Donald Trump is so unhinged, he is going to unleash Vladimir Putin on the continent. Just as most of Europe, specially Germany, sat back as the U.S. unleashed Israeli terror on Gaza.

You’re welcome Europe. Sorry, you did not pick up on that small detail in your faulty calculations.

Israel is expanding through a genocide, just as Hitler tried to expand through Lebensraum, and the West thinks this meets their high moral standards.


All while the U.S. and Europe take time to invite Donald Trump in their lives again, the genocidal maniac Benjamin Netanyahu has launched his aerial attacks on the innocent women and children of Gaza to force an exodus. One that is truly the reason why Netanyahu ignored intelligence from Egypt about an imminent Hamas attack because Israel’s aims, all along, were to empty Gaza, and not to annihilate Hamas.

Israel is expanding through a genocide, just as Hitler tried to expand through Lebensraum, and the West thinks this meets their high moral standards.

Overnight, Netanyahu killed over 100 Palestinians in Rafah, most of them women and children. Rafah is the last place Israel can push the Palestinians before they storm its border crossing into the Sinai to flood Egypt with over a million Palestinian refugees.

This is why CIA Director Bill Burns went on a heartfelt humanitarian mission to convince President el-Sisi of Egypt to open his borders.

All those humanitarians America produces really tickle our hearts.

Egypt has already moved its military to defend its borders from Israeli genocidal plans. What is peace with Egypt for if Israel could not push for another war with its southern neighbor? Did Danielle Weiss not tell the world that Israel intends to steal all the lands from the Euphrates in Iraq to the Nile in Egypt? See for yourself.


We will let the American Zionist Jews and Europe reconsider a ceasefire. Maybe, they will see the light, or maybe they will shoot themselves in the foot. Just as Biden has.


As Americans prepare to send Donald Trump to Europe wrapped in a bow, it is imperative upon the European countries that support the Israeli genocide to recalculate their options.

Trump claims he wants Europe to pay for America’s NATO protection, instead of the U.S. footing the bill. Most Americans would agree with this assessment. The same that many are coming to realize the financial burden of Israel on our treasury when we have so many problems at home. Trump calling for Europe to pay will open voters’ eyes on America paying for Israel.

How is that a bad thing? The anti-establishment Trump will shake U.S. politics again even if he claims his support for Israel, which we believe is only motivated by his desire to bribe his way for their contribution dollars. But once Donald Trump cannot run for re-election, he is not going to be so kind to the Zionist Jews conniving to send U.S. troops to open a war front with Iran.

Remember his Thanksgiving dinner with Nick Fuentes, the Zionists condemned? That’s the new Trump coming to the White House because of your support for Israeli genocide. And the Trump who is going to break Europe’s back.

So, yes, when Europe backs the Gaza genocide, there are indirect consequences for that backing.

We will let the American Zionist Jews and Europe reconsider a ceasefire. Maybe, they will see the light, or maybe they will shoot themselves in the foot. Just as Biden has.

Europe Backs A Gaza Genocide, America Votes For Trump

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