Fear of Provoking Putin Is Dissipating

Fear of Provoking Putin Is Dissipating
Fear of Provoking Putin Is Dissipating

The Biden Administration has been semi-paralyzed by the fear of provoking Putin, which has become the main driver of our foreign policy when it comes to Ukraine. It was because of this fear that President Biden could not bring himself to admit Ukraine into NATO in 2021. It was the same fear that prevented him from providing Ukraine with an air defense system long before Putin invaded. But after a month of fighting, maneuvering diplomatically, and assisting the Ukrainians with potent weaponry, this fear of provoking Putin is slowly dissipating.

Today, President Biden has come to the conclusion that not only these fears were unwarranted, but they became the reasons why Putin aggressed Ukraine in the first place. Our own timidity empowered the thug in Moscow. Had the Ukraine been a NATO country, we may have avoided this war.

One U.S. General called our timidity to admit Ukraine in NATO “a mistake”.

The Biden presidency is slowly shelving these fears and must now provide the country with more weapons, like the Switchblade 600, to completely defeat the invading Russian army.

For the curious, here is a video about its capabilities:


Watching the results of his trip to Europe, the President has an extra step in his démarche


Maximum pressure comes in a variety of forms, and once we tell the enemy what we are NOT willing to do, we provide that enemy with more options to defeat us. Alternatively, once fear enters our assumptive deliberations, our decision process becomes either flawed or incomplete.

The Biden Administration has caused enough damage to Putin’s economy to stop fearing him in terms of widening the scope of the war. The referee may not be counting to ten yet, but the boxer is oscillating from the series of punches the west has landed on his chin. Time to finish him off. Time to stop fearing his responses because Vladimir Putin is not in a position to take on NATO as well.

Watching the results of his trip to Europe, the President has an extra step in his démarche; one that portrays confidence that did not exist at the beginning of the war. In fact, considering how much has been done the last four weeks to help the Ukraine defeat Putin’s army, it is not exaggerated rhetoric to say that President Biden is much more confident and finds himself further away from the same fears he exhibited in the beginning of the war.

And that’s the good news. For Ukraine, NATO, and most important the standing of the U.S. globally.

We hope that now the intelligence on Putin’s weak army filters through to the President’s decision making, which will instigate him to take bolder moves to finish Putin off.


A military analyst with deep knowledge of warfare strategies and tactics, General Barry McCaffrey has proposed of late to provide the Ukrainian army with the fearsome M1 tank.

In a segment on MSNBC, he called on the Biden Administration to do more. Something this Blog has been calling for from the beginning of the war. Watch his support to transfer the M1 tank to Ukraine in this video:

If our military experts believe we can do more, then the Biden Administration must get the lawyers out of the way. We will never have a better opportunity to put Putin and his weak army in its place than now. Let us not blow it.

Over the last twenty years, Vladimir Putin has been building his army for this moment. To avenge the west for breaking up the myth of the Soviet Union. Just as Hitler built his for avenging the Versailles Treaty. But unlike the German army of 1939, we are watching live the incompetency of the Russians as their army wobbles and falters.

There is no surprise disciplined Blitzkrieg; rather, it’s a combination of too much Vodka and too little motivation that drives today’s Russian army.  Those Russian generals dying on the front is a sign that the Russian army does not want to fight. So much for fearing Putin.

We hope that now the intelligence on Putin’s weak army filters through to the President’s decision making, which will compel him to take bolder moves to finish Putin off. Let his own people deal with this old KGB officer who pilfered his own country to turn himself into a reckless and a criminal Czar.

As the President said: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Spot on, Mr. President.

Fear of Provoking Putin Is Dissipating

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