Senator Mitch McConnell is our Supreme Leader

Senator Mitch McConnell is our Supreme Leader

I never thought, as an immigrant to this beautiful country, to ever utter these words that fools are those who believe that our country to be a real democracy. We are not. Not only this country has changed dramatically since the Reaganomics of the 80’s, but the actions of old white Senators who lost big in 2020 opened a Pandora’s box to show how rigged US politics have become. The Filibuster, gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, and the role of big money in passing the laws have all contributed to one fact: Senator Mitch McConnell is our supreme leader. Just like North Korea has its own Kim Jong-un as its supreme leader, we have ours too. What McConnell decides happens. Even when he is no longer the Majority Leader of the Senate.

The number of articles one can read today about the demise of our democracy (here,, here, and here) is just indicative of the attention this matter is beginning to garner. Americans are becoming more and more aware how a handful of people in our country control our politics, and the voters are the court jesters to make the rich kingmakers laugh as they decide our fate. Without eradicating big money in politics, the American voter is as inconsequential as a butt wart.

We think we matter when what matters hides behind smoking mirrors.

Behind this control [GOP’s] stand the billionaires and the corporate entities who pass the laws to benefit them


When a minority controls a majority, where one finds this political sense of entitlement in every authoritarian regime, in every rogue country, and in most two-bit dictatorships, we tend to call it for what it is, but not in America. Here, we call it a democracy.

Dan MacGuill writes for Snopes:

“The 50 Democratic senators who support the For the People Act (or least Sen. Joe Manchin’s compromise proposal keeping some key elements of the bill while excluding others) represent 43 million more Americans than the 50 Republican senators who oppose it, according to data compiled by Alex Tausanovitch of the Center for American Progress. Yet because of the 60-vote requirement to pass most legislation, 41 Republican senators representing just 21 percent of the country can block the bill from moving forward, even though it’s supported by 68 percent of the public, according to recent polling.”Dan MacGuill - June 23, 2021

Is our country’s political system rigged? You be the judge of that. Behind this control stand the billionaires and the corporate entities who pass the laws to benefit them, which is why the Republicans refused to pass the For The People Act. The Koch Brothers believe we don’t know any better to be in control of our destiny. Like a real democracy should be.

How is it possible when a majority votes for a law, the opposing minority wins by derailing their effort?


Few old white Senators, many of whom are racist supremacists, control the fate of this nation. Here is a stat for you. 67% of the American people support the For the People Act, yet, those Senators, confident in their authority and our limitations as voters, have decided against the majority. They are betting on two things: The billionaires to fund their next campaigns, and the people to have short memories. Both are true.

Senator Mitch McConnell is our supreme leader. The one that decides the fate of our nation. Without any doubt, President Biden is just a figurehead when it comes to the construct of our political system. That’s the painful but honest truth.

How is it possible when a majority votes for a law, the opposing minority wins by derailing their effort? These are the trademarks of an authoritarian regime, not a democracy. Not a real democracy, at least.

As long as the For the People Act remains an idea, we should expect matters to get worse. Just like propagating the Big Lie, the Republicans are intent on controlling the nation even though the majority of the people oppose their choices. Here is a novel idea for the GOP to embrace. Enlarge your tent. However, for those old white men to become more inclusive is as deviant as a snake sharing its den.

The For the People Act would put more power in the hands of the people, which might tip the balance against the GOP minority control.


In my humble opinion, as long as big money is able to influence Congress, this nation is heading towards oblivion. The true big lie is our politicians convincing the public that their votes matter. Even after voting Trump out and McConnell out of his leadership role, we still have the latter poisoning the democratic process because the system has been rigged in favor of old white men always ruling.

Why this matters is because America has entered the stage of lawless capitalism. Times when everything and anything goes as long as big business thrive, and the people pay for it with their blood, sweat, and tears.

Had these old white fools pay attention to the needs of the people some of the time while they serve the rich and powerful the rest of the time, the country would survive. Unwavering in their loyalty to big business, the Republican Senators only care about accumulating wealth for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor. 100% of the time.

The For the People Act would put more power in the hands of the people, which might tip the balance against the GOP minority control. The GOP certainly cannot have that, and damn the whole country if necessary.

Welcome to Rome 476 CE.

Senator Mitch McConnell is our Supreme Leader

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